OK, I’ll update more frequently…

I’ve been a bit of a perfectionist with my posts, to the effect of not ever posting anything it seems. I’ll do a bit better here and may post a few post fragments occasionally. I’ll just post to Mastodon/Twitter the larger ones. This is a blog after all!

Interesting reading I did recently: Installing Nix in a Qubes AppVM. Qubes and Nix together, it’s like chocolate and peanut butter – so perfect!

For those that haven’t given Nix a try, you don’t have to run the actual distribution (NixOS), it actually runs on almost every Linux distribution and each user can have their own setup. It’s quite incredible. Here is some intro documentation on Nix to whet your palate. …

Qubes OS is incredible, here’s some tips and quick hacks for it

I can’t stop thinking about Qubes OS. I really feel like it’s the most interesting innovation in OS distributions in 20 years. In fact that’s what I tell everyone who will listen when I talk about it.

Explaining Computers did a very nice intro to the operating system, which is where I heard about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWDvS_Mp6gc.

I just wanted to compile some tips and tricks I have encountered so far with Qubes:

Hardware Support (Ryzen 3000 series)

[Update: I tried out the Qubes 4.1 beta on several recent devices. If you want to potentially skip a lot of the headache mentioned below and are using newer hardware, check out that article first!]

Qubes OS is very finicky about …

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